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The “Melisa” test is necessary if you are planning to choose metal dental implants, metal braces, or prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns. It is also recommended if you have a chronic illness, experience muscle and joint pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurological problems, depression, sensitivity to various chemicals, dermatitis, acne-like facial skin inflammation, headaches, and have any of the aforementioned metal objects in your body.
While titanium forms a stable oxide layer that protects against metal contact with body tissues, studies have shown that metal ions from implants can still enter body fluids and tissues. Factors such as infections, bacteria (lipopolysaccharides), toothpaste with fluoride, and acidic food in the oral cavity contribute to this. Some researchers suggest that it is challenging to identify allergic reactions to titanium implants because patients may be sensitive not only to titanium but also to impurities such as nickel, chromium, and cadmium in the metal.
Research has shown that lymphocyte transformation tests are more suitable than skin patch tests for assessing metal sensitivity. It should be noted that T cells, which are triggered in cases of hypersensitivity reactions related to implants, are examined in the “Melisa” test. The skin patch test lacks standardization, affecting its reliability. Opinions on the accuracy of the skin patch test for detecting titanium allergies vary greatly. Over the course of a decade, specialists at the Mayo Clinic were unable to confirm titanium allergies using this method, even after reports of such cases were published. It has been proven that titanium causes clinically significant hypersensitivity reactions that can be detected by the “Melisa” test. Some surgeons recommend using the “Melisa” test before operating on patients who may develop metal allergies, helping select the most suitable dental implants.
Zirconium dioxide (zirconia) dental implants can be used for patients with allergic reactions to metals.
Symptoms of titanium allergy can vary, and not all of them occur in every patient. The following partial list of symptoms was reported by patients allergic to titanium in the article “Hypersensitivity to titanium: Clinical and laboratory evidence“:
These symptoms may start to manifest within several months after implantation.