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Uždaras kiuretažas (vienas dantis) | 45-65€ |
Periodonto operacija (vienas dantis) | 95€ |
Dantenų plastika | 150€ |
Prieangio plastika (1-2 dantys) | 340€ |
Gomurio plastika uždengiant apsinuoginusias dantų šaknis | 350€ |
Pasaitėlio plastika | 300€ |
Minkštųjų audinių augmentacija (storinimas) | 350€ |
No, the occurrence of periodontal diseases is not age-dependent. Almost half of individuals over 18 years of age show initial signs of periodontal diseases, such as gum inflammation. Additionally, 75% of individuals over the age of 35 suffer from periodontal diseases and their associated consequences.
Typically, during the development of periodontitis, patients may notice redness and bleeding of the gums, as well as bad breath. Gum recession may lead to tooth sensitivity and pain during oral hygiene practices. If any of these symptoms are present, it is recommended to seek immediate attention from a periodontist.
The accumulation of bacteria responsible for plaque formation has the greatest impact on the development of periodontal diseases. This accumulation occurs due to irregular oral hygiene practices and a lack of regular professional oral care. Periodontal diseases can also be influenced by deficiencies in vitamins and essential nutrients, genetics, hormonal imbalances, systemic diseases, dietary factors, and harmful habits.
If periodontal diseases are left untreated and unnoticed, patients may experience disruptions in their chewing and speaking functions, as well as an increased risk of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.
It has been proven that the oral microbiome, primarily composed of bacteria, significantly affects the overall health of our body. A healthy, balanced oral microbiome performs numerous vital functions for the body, including protection against harmful, disease-causing microbes. It acts as a sort of immunological gatekeeper, safeguarding our body.
Periodontal disease treatment consists of several stages:
In the first stage (systemic phase), the patient’s overall health, lifestyle, nutrition, and harmful habits are evaluated. It is known that conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and others can influence the occurrence and progression of periodontitis. Additionally, the treatment of periodontitis has a positive impact not only on oral health but also on the course of these systemic diseases.
In the second stage (hygiene phase), plaque is removed, personalized oral hygiene habits are developed, patients are educated on proper tooth and interdental cleaning techniques, and an individualized preventive program is implemented. With good oral hygiene, thorough periodontal cleaning and disinfection are performed using minimally invasive, painless methods. Ozonotherapy is applied during procedures to enhance disinfection and improve healing. It is important to note that failing to remove teeth that cannot be treated can turn them into reservoirs of bacteria, potentially infecting the healing periodontium and the entire body. Additionally, replacing low-quality dental restorations that accumulate plaque and promote the recurrence of periodontal diseases is crucial.
In the third stage (surgical phase), surgical treatment of periodontitis is performed when the disease is advanced and cannot be treated through regular visits to a professional for oral hygiene or by developing impeccable dental care habits. Modern periodontology employs minimally invasive surgical treatment, often in combination with regenerative materials that promote the restoration of lost bone around the teeth.
In this stage, the chewing function is also restored. Due to bone loss, the remaining teeth may have reduced resistance to chewing forces, so it is important to restore missing teeth around them. Dental implants are commonly used for this purpose. There is a prevailing belief that dental implants are not suitable for individuals with periodontitis, but this is not true. Dental implants can serve individuals with periodontitis as long as the disease is stabilized, regular maintenance is performed, and good personal oral hygiene is maintained.
In the fourth stage (maintenance phase), it is important to maintain good overall health, practice proper personal oral hygiene, and follow the individually tailored preventive program. Regular visits to the dental hygienist for professional oral hygiene with ozone therapy and regular check-ups with the periodontist are recommended to monitor oral health.
Mūsų klinikoje gydytojai periodontologai taip pat gydo dantenų recesijas, kuomet dėl dantenų uždegimo, traumų, amžinių pakitimų ar periodonto ligų atsidengia dantų šaknys.